Morning Announcements for November 8, 2024
Posted on 11/08/2024

Buckle up, Nighthawks!! The latest episode of Nighthawk TV has been emailed to teachers. Please check your inbox and show this amazing episode during the last 15 minutes of period 1 today. Many thanks from the period 1 Comm Tech class!

Aw-neen OSS, good morning.  Today is Indigenous Veterans Day,  which honours First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, and their contributions to military service as soldiers, doctors and nurses.  This day was first observed in Winnipeg in 1994 and has since been recognized nationwide.

We will be sharing more about these contributions and sacrifices during Monday's Remembrance Day assembly, as well as during a guest speaker session next Tuesday.  

 During Period 4 next Tuesday, Mohawk Knowledge Keeper Dan Doctor will be in the OSS Library to share wampum teachings in recognition of Treaties Week, as well as his experiences in the navy to help us acknowledge Indigenous Veterans Day.

 All students are welcome to attend - please sign up in Andaayang or the front office.  Meeg-wetch.

All girls trying out for the Jr. Girls Volleyball team, there will be a brief meeting at lunch today in Room 219.

Grade 12 students,

Next week visiting OSS we have Fleming College and St. Francis Xavier University.

Interested students, drop into the Guidance Office to sign up.

Any grade 11 or 12 girls who would like to tryout for senior girls volleyball... 

Tryouts are happening next week on Tuesday and Wednesday right after school. Make sure to go to school cash online and fill out the permission form and pay for your student card before Tuesday.

 See Mrs. Couvrette or Mr. Kudar if you are interested but are not able to attend.