Good Morning Grade 12’s
Are you going to prom? Are you bringing a guest? Please pick up a guest form in the main office. Guest forms need to be completed and approved by admin before you can purchase a guest ticket so don’t delay, pick up your guest form today!!!
Attention grade 12s attending the Toronto Blue Jays trip. There is a contest for the best school banner at the game. The prize is $1000. If you would like to be involved in this please come to a meeting Wednesday at lunch in room 300. See you there!
Today after school the Ultimate Frisbee team will play their playoff game at 3:00 pm here at OSS. Following end of day dismissal please get changed and ready to warm up on the field.
Mino Ghizheb OSS, a reminder to the Ribbon Shirt and Ribbon Skirt Workshop participants, we will be meeting today and Wednesday after school in the Andaayang.
Aaniin OSS, a reminder, that tomorrow during the lunch hour is the Andaayang Drum Program in room 222. Come out and take part in traditional drumming.
OSS Book club! Come see Mrs Williamson at lunch to talk about Numbers.
Numbers? At a book club meeting? Does she mean math help?? No! Numbers, by Rachel Ward, was our latest read. Anyone who has met Mrs Williamson knows you won't be talking about actual numbers. But it was one heck of a story!
See in you 311 at lunch today!
Aaniin OSS, a reminder to the Ribbon Shirt and Ribbon Skirt Workshop participants, that we will be meeting tomorrow and Wednesday after school in the Andaayang.