Wrestling practice will be Wednesday and Friday this week. Please bring your singlet to practice.
Mino Ghizheb OSS, just a reminder that tomorrow during the lunch hour is the Andaayang Drum program in room 222. Come out and learn traditional teachings and drum songs. All are welcome.
There is an important meeting today at lunch in room 346 for all members of the Nordic Ski team. That's all members of the Nordic ski team, meeting at lunch in room 346 starting at 11:00.
Students attending the Black in Canada Arts performance at the Orillia Opera House today, are to meet Mrs. MacMillan in the dance room (118) today at the end of lunch 11:35.
Do you like volleyball? Do you want volunteer hours? Do you like pizza? If you answered yes to all 3 of those questions, come see Mr. Wheelan in room 313 at the start of lunch. OSS will be hosting the OPP coed volleyball tournament February 23rd and 24th and need volunteers to help with score keeping.
Just a reminder to all grade 12 graduates – grad gowns are available for purchase on school cash online. In order to guarantee your size, orders must be placed by February 26.
Book Club will meet TODAY at lunch in room 311. We'll do our final talk about The Help, and you can trade in your copy for this month's read, "The Broken Girls" by Simone St. James. If you don't have a copy of The Help to trade, you are still welcome to come out and grab a copy of the new novel.