A completed Student Medical Form (FORM A1420 - 1) is required:

  • each school year
  • when a medical need is identified
  • when the student transfers to another school
  • to authorize medical response plan development and the administration of prescribed medication to students who require it during school hours
  • when the medication and/or dosage requirements change

Specific to asthma, every student is now permitted to carry their asthma medication if the student has their parent’s/guardian’s permission. Parent(s)/guardian(s) and adult students are responsible for ensuring that a current, completed Student Medical Form is on file at the school.

Parent(s)/guardian(s) and adult students are also to complete a Plan of Care for students with prevalent medical conditions such as anaphylaxis, asthma, type 1 diabetes, or epilepsy/seizure disorder.


Please find Plan of Care and Medical forms here: 

FORM A1420 - Medical Form.pdf 

FORM A1420 - 06 Plan Of Care Anaphylaxis.pdf

FORM A1420 - 07 Plan Of Care Asthma.pdf

FORM A1420 - 09 Plan Of Care Epilepsy.pdf

FORM A1420 - 10 Plan Of Care Other Medical Conditions.pdf