Morning Announcements for June 8, 2023
Posted on 06/08/2023
The racquet sport class will be hosting badminton and table tennis today at lunch. Come on out and play. Everyone is welcome and all equipment is provided. See you at lunch.
The OSS dance team and the senior dance class amazed audiences last evening with lots of energy and talent. What a year! Wishing all graduating dance students all the best and awaiting an exciting year of dance to begin again in the fall! Keep dancing !
Attention all grade 12 graduating students:
Grad gowns are in and are available for pick up in the library. If you did not buy a gown, please see Ms. Kush in guidance – there are gowns still available for purchase.
Anyone who will be playing senior football next fall, meet in room 125 at the beginning of lunch Today.
See Mr. Loney or Mr. Box if you have any questions or cannot attend the meeting.
Hello OSS!
Next Thursday, on June 15th the Oss ultimate team will demolish the Staff in the Staff student ultimate game. It will be during period 4. Bring money for snacks such as cookies and freezies. Raise 20$ as a class to attend. All money will go to jump start.