Morning Announcements for April 18, 2023
Posted on 04/18/2023
Today the Black Excellence Group will be joining the Pipe and Ceremony and Feast at lunch! Remember what Pinball said when he spoke with us? "We do everything alongside Indigenous folks, moving forward together." See you in Room 222 The Andaayang Room at lunch.
HUGS is meeting today at lunch in room 309. If you attended the conference last week, there is a form you need to complete. If you need a taxi to Pride Prom, you need to confirm with Ms. Weidmark today. Looking forward to seeing you today at lunch in room 309.
Please be advised, there is a brief meeting on Wednesday at lunch in Room 334. See you there!
Attention Girls’ Slo-Pitch players. There will be small group tryouts this Thursday and next week Monday, weather permitting. Please check the list outside room 302 for your day. If you have any questions ask a Wylie.